Heavy Vehicle CoR

ROBAR Civil has implemented a Heavy Vehicle Management Plan that outlines how we meet our obligation under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) and Chain of Responsibility (CoR) requirements.

robar prime mover and plant

Robar Civil recognises its safety duties under the HVNL and any applicable work health and safety laws to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its employees and all other persons involved with its heavy vehicle activities.

The aim of COR is to make sure everyone in the supply chain shares responsibility for ensuring breaches of the HVNL do not occur.

The ROBAR Civil Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Chain of Responsibility (CoR) Management Plan provides the framework for Robar Civil’s heavy vehicle safety management system. It outlines how we will meet our obligations under, and ensure compliance with, the Heavy Vehicle National Law(HVNL). It is to be read in conjunction with the policies and procedures comprising the compliance and safety management system. Together, this plan and the management system should ensure systematic compliance with the HVNL and the effective management of risks associated with our heavy vehicle activities.

The objective of our plan is to ensure that:

  • Outlines our key responsibilities in our various capacities in the chain of responsibility and relevant WHS laws;
  • Specifies minimum controls to effectively manage compliance and safety risks associated with heavy vehicle activities;
  • Provides a standardised method of assessing compliance and safety risks;
  • Describes how ROBAR Civil will exert a positive influence on industry partners in the chain of responsibility and promote safety and compliance; and
  • Provides guidance to our employees, subcontractors and industry partners in preventing breaches of road and safety laws during heavy vehicle activities.

While the ROBAR Civil Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Chain of Responsibility (CoR) Management Plan is primarily focused on compliance with the Heavy Vehicle National Law, it is supported by relevant workplace health and safety policies and procedures.

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The HVNL prescribes certain requirements and obligations to ensure compliance and safety for all parties in the supply chain. Included in the HVNL are chain of responsibility (CoR) provisions.

Training and competency of our people in the Heavy Vehicle National Law and Chain of Responsibility includes:

  • Education on the ROBAR Civil Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Chain of Responsibility (CoR) Management Plan; and
  • Chain of Responsibility (CoR) online training.